Private Price List
Please find a list of private services with prices
For enquiries about any other private services we would be happy to speak to you, please call your nearest branch
Private Services Price List
Section Subtitle
Eye examinations and advanced clinical investigations
Private eye examination with Mr. Goskirk, Mr. Pettinger or Dr. Somerville (45 minutes) 85.00
Private eye examination with Associate Optometrist (45 minutes) 75.00
Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT) 3D scan and analyses (both eyes) 20.00*
Advanced visual field examination and analysis (both eyes) 30.00
BlephEx Treatment for chronic blepharitis (both eyes) 60.00
Private prescription for medication (from optometrist prescriber) 20.00
Contact lens services
Contact lens annual fee (soft or hard/RGP lenses) 60.00
Children and young adults- myopia control
Private assessment for control of myopia (short-sightedness) including biometry 50.00
Specialist biometry scan (for assessing myopia progression) (stand-alone procedure) 9.00
Children and young adults - reading difficulties
Coloured overlay assessment (including rate of reading performance) 45.00
Individual coloured overlays (A4 sheet - each) 10.00
Vocational services and private reports
DVLA eye examination and report (Group 2 licence - Form D4 - Page 2) 55.00
DVLA report only if eye examination performed within the last 4 months 10.00
Paper or electronic referral to external private professionals / specialists 30.00
* Available in Dingwall and Inverness